Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rheumatoid Arthritis And Treatment Of Arthritis Essay

Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA has been around since early humanity. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory joint disease, which can cause cartilage and bone damage. Diseased joints have been found in well preserved Egyptian mummies. Showing that arthritis was prevalent among Egyptians. Hippocrates a Greek physician who is known for the Hippocratic oath, described the symptoms of arthritis. It was not until 216 AD that the term rheumatismus was used to describe the joint inflammation. Alfred Baring Garrod, an English physician, in the mid 1800s named the disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis to help distinguish the disease from osteoarthritis and gout. In 1932 the committee of Rheumatism was created and it later became the American College of Rheumatology. There is a difference between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a complex disease with many different symptoms. Even though both cause joint pain they are both chronic and non-curable diseases, they both have different causes, symptoms, and prognoses. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder and osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that is the results of increased wear on joints. It is estimated that 27 million American have Osteoarthritis. Certain jobs or things that require repetitive motion can cause the cartilage to wear down. The different symptoms of osteoarthritis symptoms are joint pain that last less than thirty minutes in the morning, possible spine and hip pain, and jointShow MoreRelatedArthritis And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay2222 Words   |  9 PagesRheumatoid arthritis is one of the incurable diseases and turns chronic with progressive inflammatory of the synovial lining of peripheral joins. It is characterized by symmetric, chronic, and deforming polyatrhitis that causes long term joint disability when not controlled early. Considering there is no cure for this disease, management focuses on pain and inflammation reduction in order to prevent destruction of joints while at the same time preserving and improving on the functionality of theRead MoreRheumatoid And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay1109 Words   |  5 PagesRheumatoid joint inflammation is an interminable infection set apart by irritation of the joints, frequently influencing the hand joints and both sides of the body in the meantime (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 2009). Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease that affects whole systems of body particularly cardiovascular system, nerves, respiratory system (RACGP, 2009). The causes of rheumatoid arthritis are unknown but it is hereditary which assists to have a risk of rheumatoidRead MoreThe Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis909 Words   |  4 PagesRheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the joints that affects approximately 1.3% of the world population1. RA causes inflammation in the tissue lining the joints, which leads to joint swelling, pain and stiffness2. RA occurs three times more often in women compared to men3. While this sex bias in the prevalence of RA is not yet understood, it has opened a new field of research to investigate sex differences in RA and to gain a better understanding of the etiology and progressionRead MoreTreatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis632 Words   |  3 PagesTreatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Biologics A critique of an article published by The New York Times suggests a Breakthrough in treatment for joint pain of patients suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis. The article suggests that a drug known as a Biologic taken with Methotrexate may effectively treat pain and swelling symptoms caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis. Before critiquing the article, it is necessary to discuss the anatomy and physiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis so you may have a better understandingRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay932 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is defined as a common, chronic, and systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease (Curtis, Gaggo, Saag, 2006, 2451.) While there are several different kinds of arthritis, one that can be debilitating is rheumatoid arthritis. It typically occurs around the fourth or fifth decade of life and has a tendency to affect women more often than men. Living with this condition can have a significant impact on the patient s quality of life. Day to day activitiesRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis2349 Words   |  10 PagesPeople have long feared rheumatoid arthritis (commonly called RA) as one of the most disabling types of arthritis. The good news is that the outlook has greatly improved for many people with newly diagnosed and detected RA. Of course, RA remains a serious disease, and one that can vary widely in symptoms and outcomes. Even so, treatment advances have made it possible to stop or at least slow the worsening of joint damage. Rhe umatologists now have many new treatments that target the inflammation thatRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis1312 Words   |  6 Pages Rheumatoid Arthritis Brandon Holley PAS5430 Winter 2017 - Class 6 Clinical Presentation Disease Overview. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is considered the most common autoimmune inflammatory arthritis disease diagnosed in adult patients and affects quality of life and leads to increased mortality rates. It is defined as a chronic, inflammatory, systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by symmetric, erosive synovitis that often leads to joint destruction, deformity, and disability.Read MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis994 Words   |  4 Pagesmelanin-forming cells because of the family history, sunburn, stress, or exposure to chemicals. It can happen at any age but usually occurs before the age 20. In the article â€Å"For Vitiligo Patient, Arthritis Drug Restores Skin Color† from June 24, 2015 says that a medication for treating rheumatoid arthritis has given the color back to the skin in a patient with vitiligo. It is reported that steroid creams and light therapy are not as effective in reversing the pigmentation. Yale investigators decidedRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis1568 Words   |  7 PagesRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by chronic, erosive polyarthritis and the presence of numerous autoantibodies in the serum and synovial fluid and membrane. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease that manifests in multiple joints of the body. The inflammation leads to erosions in the cartilage and bone and can cause joint deformity. Individuals with RA often experience pain and swelling of the joints. It was estimated in 2005 that 1.5 million peopleRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis180 6 Words   |  8 PagesIn this case study, we have a 64 year old gentleman, Mr Paul Brown, who has just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis also known as RA. Paul has a history of High Cholesterol and Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease also known as GORD, Hernia repair in 2009. He is also a current smoker that smokes about 20 to 30 cigarettes a day and has been living alone even since partner passed away few years ago from a sudden heart attack. He is an IT manager and was looking forward to retire in 2 years’ time

Monday, December 16, 2019

Drama Monologue †Blame It on the Dreams Free Essays

Ever wish you could control your dreams? You know, you go to sleep and dream about whatever you want? Sometimes I think I could really FIX things if I could just dream them right. I guess that sounds pretty stupid. Like last week I had this huge test in English. We will write a custom essay sample on Drama Monologue – Blame It on the Dreams or any similar topic only for you Order Now I really like English, but there’s so much to remember. I failed. And I know that stuff. That’s what makes me so mad. Who cares, right? It’s just a stupid test. But, here’s the thing. The night before, I dreamt I passed the test. I got an A. I remember sitting at the table, and I knew everything! Every vowel, every sentence, every character. They were all there. Floating around me like birds, or something. I didn’t end up seeing the answers, but I remember getting an A. Okay. Granted, there was a lobster sitting in the seat next to me, but it was a dream, remember. I heard about this thing called lucid dreaming. You’re meant to lie really still for as long as you can until you fall asleep, or something. Well, that sounds way too hard. I mean, I can’t sit still for five minutes, let alone lie still until I fall asleep. Sleep doesn’t just happen. You get into your PJ’s, get into bed, get all snuggly and warm, and then your brain decides to turn itself on and shout, â€Å"WOULDN’T THIS BE COOL IF THIS HAPPENED. I WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THIS HAPPENED, OR EVEN THI–oh, you didn’t want to sleep, did you? † Yes, brain. Yes, I do. But, seriously, wouldn’t it be cool to control your dreams? You could dream about, oh I don’t know†¦ Marrying the richest person in the world and buying an island? That’d be nice. Unrealistic. But, nice. You could lay there for hours and hours just thinking about what you want to dream about? I could try that? Pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, po – oh, bother this. This won’t work. What was I thinking? This is all because of that stupid test. I hate failure. I hate it. If only there was a way to guarantee that you’d know the answers to every test you had to take in your life. I could cheat? No! Gosh, what was I thinking? I can’t cheat. I haven’t got a marker to write the answers on my stomach. *sigh* Stupid idea. I could get a marker? Argh! Wrong again. Where on earth would I get a marker that only I could see? That’s a cool idea. I wish I could dream about that. I just wish I knew how to pass every single test ever. *sigh* Hang on†¦ What if I study? I could study for a few hours every night, the week before the test? Ha! It’s brilliant. I can’t believe I never listened to my parents! They were right! I can’t wait to get started. I’ll start first thing tomorrow. I guess I’ll never be able to control my dreams. Oh well. *turns around and looks at ‘bed’* Is that me? But†¦ I’m me? How can I be laying there? I’m so confused, what’s going on? Wait†¦ Am I dreaming? How to cite Drama Monologue – Blame It on the Dreams, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Global Change and Domestic Policy Scenarios †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Global Change and Domestic Policy Scenarios. Answer: Introduction The research report covers a very complex yet a much talked topic, which is the incrementing greenhouse gas emission in Australia. The administration has already shown their concerns for the issue by setting a goal for 2050, which is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas by 80%. There is a need of sustainable energy resources on an emergency basis (Byrnes et al., 2013). Wind has been identified as the cleanest of all the natural resources (Ellabban, Abu-Rub Blaabjerg, 2014). This particular research report conducts a discussion on the existing technology to convert wind into electricity. Moreover, this also discusses the probable technology that could potentially convert wind to produce electricity in large number. The research report is aimed at discussing a potential issue in relation to the production of renewable energy resources in Australia. Moreover, this is also aimed at delivering an innovative solution to counter the challenges. The research report has identified an issue, which Australia is experiencing in producing a much needed renewable energy from wind. The administration has identified the needs to produce the energy from one of the natural resources such as wind. They have also identified that they need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas by 80% by 2050 to attain a sustainable energy resources (Bryan et al., 2016). Wind is clean and cheaper as well. Hence, this has identified as a potential option to resolve the issue. However, they lack in having a low cost and superior technology, which could reduce the cost of maintenance and could also enhance the conversion of wind into electricity (Azad et al., 2014). The existing wind turbines are heavy in weight, which makes this difficult to transport it to its destination. Additionally, the manufacturing costs of such wind turbines are also very high. There is a need to find an alternate option of the existing technology, which could prove to be cost-ef fective as well as high in performance (Polinder et al., 2013). This is an issue as it is discouraging the required production of energy from wind. The challenges involved in transporting the wind turbines to its destination and the costs involved in its maintenance have both discouraged the Australian administration largely. They have realized the urgency to have a technology that could be comparatively low in costs and easy to maintain. If this happens this will flourish the conversion of wind into energy. Moreover, this will also support the goals for 2050, which is to reduce the greenhouse gas emission in Australia by 80% (Behrens et al., 2012). One of such technologies has been found by the researchers at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales dedicated for Electronic Superconducting Materials. They have developed a new wind turbine, which will be 40% lesser in weight than the existing. They have done this by just replacing the existing gear box from magnesium diboride superconducting coil (Katsigiannis Stavrakakis, 2014). This appears as a potential response for the identified issue in the above section. However, there is a need to have a sufficient investment in purchasing the newly invented wind turbines to support the set goals for 2050. Analyzing the proposed solution by applying McLuhans Laws of Media The proposed solution can be analyzed by the tetrad of media effects derived by McLuhan. The model is composed of four laws, which is framed as questions to reflect upon. This model was developed to understand the effect of a technology on the concerned society. The proposed solution for overcoming the issue identified such as the replacement of hard to carry gear boxes from magnesium diboride superconducting coil needs to be analyzed before implementing this in practice. Nevertheless, the tetrad of media effects postulated by McLuhan is one of such models, which can effectively analyze the effect of the proposed technology on the respective society (Miroshnichenko, 2016). Based on the tetrad of media effects, the proposed solution can be analyzed as follows (Adam, 2016): The proposed technology will enhance the conversion of wind into energy. This is so because it is easy to carry and superior in technology. The solution will displace the existing technology, which is in the form of gear box. The proposed solution is in the form of coil, which is 40% lesser in weight. This makes it easy to transport as well. The technology recovers the usefulness of wind, which was lost in past due to some technological shortfalls. The proposed solution has again supported a fact that wind is cheaper than other resources of renewable energy. The technology can produce wind in large numbers if it is implemented utterly through making significant investments. The identified solution has potentials in it to reinvent the importance of wind in generating energy. Wind is a much cleaner and cheaper option to produce energy from it. If it is supported with utmost investments, the solution thus invented by the researchers of Wollongong University in New South Wales will certainly do wonder for the country. The technology can immensely help the country in attaining its set goals for 2050. Moreover, the proposed solution will play a significant role in providing a sustainable resource to energy. Conclusion Australia has identified that there is a need to have a technology, which could be both cost effective and reliable as well. Moreover, there is a need of technology that could be easily maintained as well as transported to the different locations where it is required to be installed. The research report has probably provided the solution against the identified issue. The solution was brought in picture by a team of researchers from Wollongong University in New South Wales. They have introduced a much handful alternative of the existing gear boxes. They have developed amagnesium diboridesuperconducting coil to replace the gear box. The technology looks like a potential option as it was analyzed by applying the McLuhans Laws of Media. This was also identified in the assignment that the technology can effectively reinvent a fact that wind is a much cheaper and a cleaner option to produce a large amount of energy. References Adam, I. (2016). What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhans Tetrad to the Smartphone.Glocality,2(1). [org/10.5334/glo.9] Azad, A. K., Khan, M. M. K., Ahasan, T., Ahmed, S. F. (2014). Energy scenario: production, consumption and prospect of renewable energy in Australia.Journal of Power and Energy Engineering,2(04), 19. [org/10.1016/j.rser.2012.06.025] Behrens, S., Hayward, J., Hemer, M., Osman, P. (2012). Assessing the wave energy converter potential for Australian coastal regions.Renewable Energy,43, 210-217. [10.1063/1.3464753.] Bryan, B. A., Nolan, M., McKellar, L., Connor, J. D., Newth, D., Harwood, T., ... Grundy, M. (2016). Land-use and sustainability under intersecting global change and domestic policy scenarios: trajectories for Australia to 2050.Global Environmental Change,38, 130-152. [org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.03.002] Byrnes, L., Brown, C., Foster, J., Wagner, L. D. (2013). Australian renewable energy policy: Barriers and challenges.Renewable Energy,60, 711-721. [org/10.1016/j.renene.2013.06.024] Ellabban, O., Abu-Rub, H., Blaabjerg, F. (2014). Renewable energy resources: Current status, future prospects and their enabling technology.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,39, 748-764. [org/10.1016/j.rser.2014.07.113] Katsigiannis, Y. A., Stavrakakis, G. S. (2014). Estimation of wind energy production in various sites in Australia for different wind turbine classes: A comparative technical and economic assessment.Renewable Energy,67, 230-236. [org/10.1016/j.renene.2013.11.051] Levinson, P. (2003).Digital McLuhan: A guide to the information millennium. Routledge. Miroshnichenko, A. (2016). Extrapolating on McLuhan: How Media Environments of the Given, the Represented, and the Induced Shape and Reshape Our Sensorium.Philosophies,1(3), 170-189. [10.3390/philosophies1030170] Polinder, H., Ferreira, J. A., Jensen, B. B., Abrahamsen, A. B., Atallah, K., McMahon, R. A. (2013). Trends in wind turbine generator systems.IEEE Journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics,1(3), 174-185. [10.1002/we.1552.]

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Speckled Band Essay Example For Students

Speckled Band Essay This story is about a women that asks for Shelock Holmes help because shebelives that she is going to die like her sister that died two years before. Shebelives that her sister was either frightened to death or killed by gipsies. Because when this woman Helen found her sister the last words the she sad were:Helen! Oh my God, Helen! It was the band! The speckled band!. All thishappend just before Helens sister was suposed to get married. And there motherwas also a rich woman but she died long before all this happend and theirstepfather got 750 a year from his dead wifes fund. But if the sisters wouldmarry he would have to pay them 250 each a year so if the girls would marry hewouldnt get all the money! But now Helen had decided to get married but thena few days later her stepfather decided to mend the wall of Helens room so thatshe had to move into her sisters room and now she was scared for her live. SoSherlock Holmes went to investigate. Holmes investigated the whole house and hebuild up a plan to catch the murderer! Holmes had found out that there was anair-vent that was inside the house between the sisters room and the stepfathers. We will write a custom essay on Speckled Band specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Holmes now was in the room that Helen was suposed to be in and suddenly thelight was lit in the stepfathers room, and then Sherlock jumped and hit thebellrobe under the air-vent. Then there was a little whistle and then a screamand Holmes ran to the other room and there was the stepfather dead and with aspeckled band on him. It was no band it was a Indian snake that the stepfatherused to kill Helens sister and was going to kill Helen with it to but Holmessaved the day once again. Book Reports

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Understanding Childrens Development Essay Example

Understanding Childrens Development Essay Example Understanding Childrens Development Essay Understanding Childrens Development Essay There has been a huge amount of research into infants perception of objects including experiments into subjective contours, object unity, shape perception and size perception. This research has resulted in the emergence of contrasting views and has attracted both positive and negative attention. It seems that the general conclusion is that infants are born with an innate capability to perceive objects, however this is limited and during the first 4 months infants develop very quickly and are able to fill in the gaps in perception in order to perceive object unity and subjective contours. Another main area of study into infant perception is that of perception of people. In order for infants to form attachments it is paramount that they are able to distinguish between strangers and parents. Fantz (1961) conducted a study in which he presented infants with three examples of schematic stimuli. The first face presented had all its features in the right place, the second had all its features jumbled up and the third had the same stimulus brightness but had no specific features. Fantz found that even in the first month, infants showed a small but consistent spontaneous preference for the full face, it was concluded that even the youngest infants had the ability to perceive faces, therefore providing support for the nativist view of infant perception. However, there were several criticisms of this study, the main one being that the full facial arrangement contained more information around the edge of the stimulus and evidence has shown that infants tend to scan around the edge of complex pictures, therefore it is possible that infants may have looked longer at the full facial arrangement simply because there was more detail around the edge. There has been extensive research conducted in this area as it has important implications for later development in infants. Wilcox (1969) estimated that the age for face perception was around four months; this was later revised to two months as a result of the work conducted by Maurer and Barrera (1981). This appears to provide support for the empiricist theory that perception is developed not innate. However it is possible that the negative results obtained with younger infants could be due to the experiments being unsuitable for infants that young. Goren, Sarty and Wu (1975) developed a more suitable method by using the visual preference technique. They moved the schematic stimuli back and forth within the vision field of newborns and found that they followed the full face further and for longer than the other two faces. It is possible that the movement of the stimuli was the reason for the different results; it could be argued that this method is more ecologically valid as faces are rarely static. The second main area of research into face perception in infants is into whether infants are able to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar faces. There have been several studies that have found support for the nativist theory that infants are able to distinguish between their mothers and a female strangers face (Carpenter, 1974). The same results have been found with newborns that had only had a few hours contact with their mother (Bushnell, 2001). In all these experiments the infant showed a preference to their mothers face. This is important evidence to support the theory that infants are able to perceive effectively before they know how to act appropriately. However, one weakness found with this study is that it is possible that the infant will recognise the mother through smell rather than sight; therefore it is not possible to tell whether they are distinguished solely through visual recognition. Bushnell, Sai Mullin (1989) tackled this problem by providing a strong smelling perfume to act as a kind of mask. Another problem is that when the mother looks at the infant they tend to have more pronounced facial expressions through familiarity, the infant could simply be reacting to this. Walton, Bower Bower (1992) reduced this possibility by presenting video tapes of the mother and stranger to the infant, therefore it was clear that the infant stared longer at the mother due to visual recognition alone, this provides support for the nativist theory that infants are able to perceive adequately before knowing how to act appropriately. Another area of face perception in infants investigated by psychologists is imitation. Piaget (1954) put forward the conventional view that imitation was impossible until infants were capable of representing self and other, a capacity thought to develop in late infancy. However, evidence has shown that even newborns are capable of imitating facial and manual gesture. Meltzoff and Moore (1977) were the first ones to report well-controlled studies of imitation in early infancy. The research into imitation provides strong evidence to support the nativist view as in order to imitate a facial gesture, infants have to be able to understand the method involved in making a particular gesture and match this to their own facial gestures. However, these findings were seen as highly controversial and still are. Investigating imitation is difficult as you are faced with two problems: you must ensure that the actions are simple enough for an infant to imitate but at the same time the gestures should not be those that can be confused with the gestures infants make spontaneously. The research discussed in this essay provides evidence to suggest that many perceptual abilities are present in infants from birth or emerge very shortly afterwards. This suggests that many aspects of perception develop on innate, maturational factors rather than on learning from the environment. A main example of this would be face recognition; newborns become familiar with their mothers face within a few hours of birth. The infant ability to perceive depth and distance and to apply visual constancies has also been investigated. It is not as clear in these areas whether the evidence provides support for the nativist or empiricist argument. The methodological difficulties involved in studying infants makes it difficult to form firm conclusions, however, it seems likely that babies need to interact with the environment at some level in order for their perceptual abilities to develop normally and effectively. References Cardwell, M. , Clark, L. , Meldrum, C. (2001) Psychology for A2 Level pp185-218 Slater, A. , Bremner, G. (2003) An Introduction to Developmental Psychology pp117-139 Smith, P. K. , Cowie, H. , Blades, M.(2003) Understanding Childrens Development pp319-341 Sources Cardwell, M. , Clark, L. , Meldrum, C. (2001) Psychology for A2 Level. Collins. Carlson, N. R. Buskit, W. Martin, G. N. (2000) Psychology: The Science of Behaviour (European Adaptation. ) Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. Slater, A. , Bremner, G. (2003) An Introduction to Developmental Psychology. Blackwell Publishing :Oxford. Smith, P. K. , Cowie, H. , Blades, M. (2003) Understanding Childrens Development 4th Edition. Blackwell Publishing: Oxford.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Wofford College Admissions Data

Wofford College Admissions Data If you are interested in attending Wofford College, know that they accept about three-quarters of those who apply. Learn more about what it takes to get into this college. Founded in 1854, Wofford College is a private liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, Woffords 170-acre campus is a designated National Historic District, and it was recently designated as the Roger Milliken Arboretum. The college has an 11 to 1 student/faculty ratio, and students can choose from 26 majors. Woffords strengths in the liberal arts and sciences earned it a chapter of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. In athletics, the Wofford Terriers compete in the NCAA Division I Southern Conference. Wofford easily made my list of Top South Carolina Colleges. Will you get in if you apply to Wofford College? Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Percent of Applicants Admitted: 70Â  percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Wofford AdmissionsTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 520 / 630SAT Math: 530 / 640SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanSAT comparison for South Carolina collegesSouthern Conference SAT score comparisonACT Composite: 24Â  / 29ACT English: 23 / 30ACT Math: 23 / 27ACT Writing: - / -What these ACT numbers meanACT comparison for South Carolina collegesSouthern Conference ACT score comparison Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 1,683Â  (all undergraduate)Gender Breakdown: 48Â  percent Male / 52 percent Female99 percent Full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $40,245Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $11,635Other Expenses: $2,454Total Cost: $55,534 Wofford College Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 92Â  percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 91Â  percentLoans: 46 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $27,639Loans: $7,143 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Biology, Business, Finance, English, Political Science, PsychologyWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 86Â  percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 78 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 80Â  percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Football, Soccer, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, TennisWomens Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Track and Field, Cross Country Interested in Wofford College? You Might Also Like These Schools Clemson University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphFurman University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCollege of Charleston: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDuke University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCoastal Carolina University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDavidson College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWake Forest University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of South Carolina: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphElon University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUNC Chapel Hill: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Explore Other South Carolina Colleges Anderson | Charleston Southern | Citadel | Claflin | Clemson | Coastal Carolina | College of Charleston | Columbia International | Converse | Erskine | Furman | North Greenville | Presbyterian | South Carolina State | USC Aiken | USC Beaufort | USC Columbia | USC Upstate | Winthrop Wofford College Mission Statement mission statement from https://www.wofford.edu/about/mission/ Wofford’s mission is to provide superior liberal arts education that prepares its students for extraordinary and positive contributions to society. The focus of Wofford’s mission is upon fostering commitment to excellence in character, performance, leadership, service to others and life-long learning. Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Self Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self Identity - Essay Example It is an important aspect of the educational system to avoid breeding racial injustices into the newer generations so that a better balanced world can be expected in the near future. However, as a person steps into adolescence, one tends to become more aware about their heritage and racial background. It is essential that people are led the right way at this particular stage so that racial equality can be established. Race has been defined as â€Å"a sub-group of people possessing a definite combination of physical characteristics, of genetic origin, the combination of which to varying degrees distinguishes the sub-group from other sub-groups of mankind† (Casas 3). Hence any group of people that can be differentiated from another group of people on the basis of certain characteristics are said to belong to a specific race. These common characteristics are established more on a physical note than mental. Numerous materials and models are available online that help in racial identity development. The concept of self-identity is more often complicated and may include a combination of identities instead of a single identity. The self-identity generally encompasses three fields; the gender, the racial background and the sexual orientation. Biologically, I am a fit male in my early twenties. I recognize myself as an African American since I can trace back my origins to Liberia, Africa. I possess a distinctively dark skin color characteristic of African Blacks. I have lived a major part of my life in America, with my ancestral linage consisting of African Americans. Several of my distant relatives still reside in my homeland Africa. I do not feel ashamed to belong to the African American nation, and I am fully aware of my enslaved past. However, today, the scenario regarding â€Å"color† discrimination is very different from what it was before the Civil War. There are three traditional models of racial/cultural identity development; (Cass, 1979), (Cross, 1971) and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Econ - Essay Example n, Jagdish Bhagwati conveys both the India and china’s remarkable upturn of GDP in late 1980s and early 1990s, which resulted from the abolition of trade barriers. This illustrates how trade liberalization usually does to the global states’ economies owing to its free interaction characteristic besides thriving trade across their boundaries. Jagdish Bhagwati believes the remedy to the current global economic crises only rests in adopting trade liberalization or free trade rather than the present protectionism (Bhagwati 38). Jagdish Bhagwati refutes â€Å"Section 24 allowance† orâ€Å"allowance for Preferential Free Trade Agreements (FTA)† which the current US regime is applying besides other global states (Bhagwati 20). Since it yields to numerous economical predicaments presently faced by the global states’ besides posing the issue of economic unpredictability. This is evident in the incumbent US regime where the president Obama prefers protectionism approach and seems to forget its grievous impacts on economy notably in 1930s (Bhagwati 78). Jagdish Bhagwati does not approve the utilization of Preferential Free Trade Agreements (FTA) as a remedy to the present challenges. This is because he refers to the approach as an effective and malicious approach meant to undermine free trade or its liberalization. Therefore, Preferential Free Trade Agreements (FTA) normally erects barriers that prevent the flourishing of economy not only for US but also for other global states (Bhagwati

Saturday, November 16, 2019

TV and Our Children Essay Example for Free

TV and Our Children Essay There is a long term debate about television affecting development of children, its positive and negative impacts, and possible consequences of excessive popularity of TV among young developing personalities. Critics argue on supportive and harmful influence of television on kids, and access the topic from different perspectives: scientific, which is observing of physical changes in child’s development, ethical, moral, and psychological. A number of experiments have been conducted in order to determine possible harmful effects of television on young minds, which indicated different and controversial results as for the issue. However, every study confirms that excessive time spending in front of television negatively influences various aspects of child’s development. see more:influence of television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The extent of influential force of television of young developing personalities can be determined with the help of reviewing and investigating the results and outcomes of different experiments conducted on this matter. First of all, television can be determined as a representation of information in two senses, which are hearing and sight. Furthermore, television reproduces the sounds of a very poor quality to the human hearing, and the visual data contains flashing, unrealistically colored, fluorescent over-stimulating images to a human eye, which can be a threat to development and proper functioning of the sight and hearing organs (Poplawski 1998). Moreover, watching television can result in improper functioning of the vital multi-leveled sensory elements, which can deteriorate the process of children’s brains growth. Experiments, where children are left alone with limited interaction wit other personalities, accompanied only by the information retrieved form TV screen, show that such isolation tends to generate a decrease of child’s brain by approximately 25% (Healy 1990). Further experiments conducted on young developing animals, which assume confining an individual into a closed space with the ability only to observe the action of other animals, indicated the similar effect of brain decrease and its rate was proportional to the time spent in confines (Healy 1990). A full visual ability of a child and a three-dimensional vision pertained to an adult organism continue the development process until a child becomes 4 years old. Consequently, the visual data produced by television appliances blocks the full functionality of seeing abilities and limits it to the quality reproduced by the actual screen, which represents unfocused two dimensional data composing of a limited amount of dots of light, often referred as TV resolution and refreshment rate. The visual information appears on the screen due to the process of transmitting electrons by a cathode ray gun to fluorescent substances, phosphors. The product of phosphors is artificially pulsed light originated from its glow, and it is directly perceived by a human eye without stimulating the function neuron-endocrine system secretions (Mander 1978). The final product of a TV screen represents a fairly unfocused picture, in order to perceive which with clarity and sharp focus the eyes of a human have to strain and adjust to the lower quality visual product. Apparently, television negatively affects the physiological development of a young human organism, as well as adult organism can experience harmful effects of excessive watching television. Among some other arguments that support the idea of harmful influence of television are moral and ethical considerations, which can be quite controversial. As an example of these, there is an argument of negative affect provided by the information received from TV including violence, inappropriate social behavior, explicit use of language, scenes of sexual acts and sexual abuses. Furthermore, television may become a tool of promoting inadequate behavior of people, as well as stimulating different addictions both to TV and products promoted on TV. Another recognized problem of watching too much television is very critical to young personality’s mind development. Watching television prevents children from use of their imaginative thinking, as they perceive the message exactly in form it was transmitted by author of shown information. Neocortex, a part of the brain that stimulates the creation of images, pictures, and symbols, is partially or sometimes completely inactive while children watch TV. Imaginative thinking is a critical aspect of human development, as it is a foundation of such human characteristics as intuition, creativity, leadership, artistic features, learning abilities, and many more. Television puts a child in a position of a passive recipient of information, limiting the extent of his/her participation and the ability to influence the ongoing action. Probably, one of the most successful definitions of harmful affects of television on young personalities is its impairment of the three main human characteristics acquired during the first three years of a child’s life. During this period a child learns to talk, walk, and think. Television captures a child in the sitting position most of the time, prevents possible communication, and makes a child a passive recipient of information without providing an ability to analyze the information and think. In contrast to all the harmful effects of television and its severity, TV is a very useful educational tool during the first years of human life. Television provides a possibility to get acquainted with objects, organisms, and phenomena that are impossible to encounter in person. Different educational programs, promoting exemplary behavior of children on TV in masterly created scenarios and plays may significantly assist parents in teaching basic society norms, values, and understandings. Informational programs providing information about natural phenomena and different living species on earth helps children to get acquainted with what they cannot meet in their environment. Also, different programs stimulate children’s positive attitude, as well as sound effects such as music generates the ideas and senses of rhythm. In conclusion, television should not be completely removed from the child’s environment in the time of his/her development. However, watching TV should be regulated on the time, purpose, and body position basis in order to maintain the impact provided by television. Short-time uses and right body positioning is essential when watching television as it prevents from many harmful physiological effects on the child’s body and prevents young body muscles from lack of activity. Information provided by television should be specifically chosen to attempt to get as much of positive educational data from watching TV as possible, however, a child must still have relative freedom in choosing specific programs. Watching TV practice should be minimized to the most extent possible, replacing it by activities, which contain more physical and intellectual involvement of a child. Examples of these can be reading books, spending time with friends, outside in nature, etc. Nevertheless, any regulation of spending time in front of television will not eliminate all harmful effects provided by this activity. The goal is to create a balance, or to outweigh the negative impacts of TV by positive contributions to child’s development. Bibliography Buzzell, Keith. The Children of Cyclops: The Influence of Television Viewing on the Developing Human Brain. 1998 California: AWSNA. Davis, Kimberly. â€Å"TV and your child: how much is too much?† Ebony.   Oct, 2004. Everett, Miles. How Television Poisons Childrens Minds. California: Miles Publishing. 1997. Healy, Jane. Endangered Minds: Why Children Dont Think and What We Can Do About It. 1990 New York: Simon and Schuster. Mander, Jerry. Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television. New York: William Morrow and Co. 1978 Poplawski, Thomas. Losing Our Senses. Renewal: A Journal for Waldorf Education. 7:2, Fall 1998. Yarbrough, Marti. â€Å"Movies, music TV: can parents monitor their childrens entertainment?† Jet.  March 28, 2005.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Doctor Faustus Essays: Applying the Psychoanalytical Approach :: Doctor Faustus Essays

Applying the Psychoanalytical Approach to Dr. Faustus Within the text of Christopher Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus," a reader notices the struggle between the superego and the id. Throughout the play, Faustus struggles with himself while Lucifer and Mephistopheles struggle with him. Though these huge conflicts take place in the text they aren't the greatest of situations when one tries to apply the psychoanalytical approach. The most obvious situation arrives with the introduction of the Seven Deadly Sins. They represent the constant struggle between the id and the superego. They add to the seduction of Dr. Faustus and the constant struggle in a chaotic Hell. The id possesses most of the sins: Pride, Covetousness, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony and Lechery. All six of these sins show characteristics that are strong and powerful. Though these sound as if they were good characteristics, they are actually extremely over-bearing. When the sins explain who they are, they don't leave any room for argument. They just say who they are, and they take what they want. For example, Pride explains what he can do with a woman: "I can creep into every corner of a wench: sometimes, like periwig I sit upon her brow; next, like a necklace I hang about her neck; then, like a fan of feathers I kiss her..." (Marlowe, II.ii.120) Obviously, Pride feels powerful enough to take any woman he wants and perform with her any way he wants. With a sly and mischievous voice Pride states what he can do and no one can change it. Another great representation of the id is Lechery or lust. Lechery just walks out and struts her stuff in front of Faustus. The reader realizes that her power is not in her words but in her presence. Even Lucifer notices her strength because he sends her away almost as fast as she comes in. "Away, to hell, away! On, piper!" (Marlowe, II.ii.177) Lechery closes the deal on Faustus. Her presence is so powerful that Faustus returns to the hands of Lucifer. All six of these Seven Deadly Sins show their strength and power, for they don't back down, except to Lucifer. They do what they want and say what they please, because they are the angels of Lucifer, the most evil angel of them all. In achieving their goals they are very aggressive and Lucifer provides them all the freedom they need in order capture new souls like Faustus.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ender’s Game Essay

In a world much different from ours, one with aliens and space travel lives a six-year-old boy from Earth. His name is Ender Wiggin and he is far from the ordinary. He is a â€Å"third† meaning that he was not supposed to be born due to birthing restrictions. Through the consideration of the government, his parents were permitted to have a third child. Due to his superior skills, he is chosen to attend battle school in order to fight the buggers. In the process of becoming a leader in order to save the Earth, Ender is manipulated by Valentine, the teachers and Colonel Graff. This makes him a better soldier by facing many obstacles as an individual and making him self-sufficient. Valentine is Enders 8 year old sister, whom he loves very much. Later on in the book, she manipulates him so that he would be determined to save Earth. She herself was tricked into manipulating Ender by Graff, and later regrets it. Valentine manipulates Ender by writing him a letter that Graff had convinced her to do. â€Å"Ender, the Bastards wouldn’t put any of my letters through till now. I must have written a hundred times but you must have thought I never did. Well I did†¦. Some people might think that because you’re being a soldier you are now a cruel and hard person who likes to hurt people, like the marines in the video, but I know that isn’t true. You are nothing like you-know-who. Maybe you seem mean but you’re not fooling me†¦ All my love turkey lips, Val. Don’t write back they’ll probably sikowanalize your letter (Card, pg. 150). Valentine is manipulating Ender by making him believe that he is not like Peter, which is Ender’s greatest fear. She knows that by doing so he will believe her and will be able to focus on winning. Ender however, does not believe her because he realized that if the teachers did not let the rest of her letters be sent, then why this one? He knows she is trying to pressure him into believing that he was not like Peter. Valentine also convinces Ender to not go back to Earth. She tells him that Peter has big plans for him; he has been waiting for this opportunity his whole life. â€Å"He had plans for you, Ender. He would publicly reveal himself when you arrived, going to meet you in front of the videos. Ender Wiggins older brother, who also happened to be the great Locke, the architect of peace. Standing next to you, he would look quite mature. And the physical resemblance between you is stronger than ever. It would be quite simple for him, then, to take over† (Card, pg. 312). Valentine tells him Peter’s plans but Ender does not seem to understand. He believes that either way he has already spent his life being someone’s pawn. After talking to Valentine, he had finally decided to leave with her. He says, â€Å"I am not going for you. I’m not going in order to be governor, or because I’m bored here. I’m going because I know the buggers better than another living soul, and aybe if I go there I can understand them better† (Card, pg. 314). Finally, Valentine also manipulates Ender by meeting him at a lake and encouraging him to continue to go to battle school. â€Å"If you try and lose then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and we lose, then it’s all your fault. You killed us all† (Card, pg. 240/241). Valentine persuades Ender that it is best for him and the world to continue fighting to win the battle. She tells him it is important for him to at least try rather than not try at all. If he tries then no one will say anything because he did his best. However, if he does not try at all, then everyone will blame him knowing that he could have done more t planet Earth. Valentine is someone very significant in Ender’s life and by manipulating him she helped Graff control Ender further. Throughout the book, the teachers around Ender are constantly manipulating him. They decide that by manipulating Ender, it will be best for him in the long run. One point would be when the teachers decided not to tell Ender that he was actually fighting the buggers. Ender you never played me. You never played a game since I became your enemy†¦. Ender, for the past few months you have been the battle commander of our fleets. This was the Third Invasion. There were no games, the battles were real, and the only enemy you fought was the buggers (Card, pg. 296). No one had told Ender that he was actually fighting the buggers at their home planet. They did not tell him so he would feel no pressure. This lead to his victory over the buggers but still Ender was upset. The teachers had manipulated Ender and pushed him too far. The adults are depending on the computer to tell them when they are pushing Ender more than he can handle. You can’t be serious about this schedule of battles. † â€Å"Yes I can. † â€Å"He’s only had is army three and a half weeks. † â€Å"I told you. We did computer simulations on probable results. And here is what the computer estimated Ender would do. † â€Å"We want to teach him, not give him a nervous breakdown† (Card, pg. 173). The fact is they have already gone past his limit. The adults were by giving him more than he could handle. For example, he was once given two battles in one day during his time at Battle School. Lastly, the teachers manipulate him by never helping him in dangerous situations. Every time Ender was ganged up on the teachers would not help him and so he would fight alone. â€Å"If the teachers were allowing that to turn up on official report, it was obvious they didn’t intend to punish anyone for the nasty little skirmish in the battle room. Aren’t they going to do anything? Don’t they care what goes on in this school† (Card, pg. 117). Ender was frustrated and confused as to why the teachers were never there when he was in trouble. He learned to never count on the adults to come and rescue him. These three points made him a better soldier because t made him stronger, more independent and that helped him prepare for the real battle. Graff’s intention of manipulating Ender was to keep him on track. He wanted Ender to only be able to rely on himself and nobody else. Graff wants Ender to use his intelligence to help him get out of a rough situation. The first example of how Graff manipulates Ender is by changing his armies often. He sends Ender from Salamander to Rat, Rat to Phoenix and from Phoenix to Dragon. â€Å"Ender shook his head. It was the stupidest thing he could think of, to promote him ow. Nobody got promoted before they were eight years old. Ender wasn’t even seven yet. And launchies usually moved into the armies together, with most armies getting a new kid at the same time† (Card, pg. 69). Ender was tired of switching armies often. It was only when everything was settling down, when he made a few friends and had gotten over the fact that he was not with Valentine they decide to transfer him. Colonel Graff also manipulates Ender into going to Battle School. â€Å"You won’t miss your mother and father, not much, not for long. And they won’t miss you long either†¦ Well no one wants a third anymore. You can’t expect them to be glad. But your mother and father were a special case† (Card, pg. 21/22). Graff speaks with Ender alone and tells his how his family’s reaction would be. He brings up the past about his parents life and that having a â€Å"third† was such a disgrace for them. He tells Ender that miss them a little but soon he will forget about them and they will do the same. Furthermore, Graff also makes sure that Ender does not get any support from the teachers when he is in problem. He also helps Ender become alienated from the other launchies. â€Å"Ender Wiggins must believe that no matter what happens, no adult will ever, ever step in to help him in anyway. He must believe to the core of his soul that he can only do what he and the other children work out for themselves. If he does not believe that, then he will never reach the peak of his ability† (Card, pg. 202). Graff plays with his mind, mentally making him believe that his teachers will never be there to protect him. He makes Ender believe that he could only depend on himself.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Barbie Doll:Represent What A perfect American Woman Is

Jennifer Perez ENC 1102 Research Paper Marge Piercy ever herd this name before? Well if you have, did you know she was the founder of Leap track Press? Marge Piercy is very well known as an American poet, novelist and social activist. Many of he founded work has been graded as best-selling. Piercy has a goal to have her feminist voice be herd by society. She shares her opinions threw the characters she makes in her writing and poetry. Piercy wrote the poem Barbie Doll, and in this poem she states woman do not need to fit into society’s point of view of what a woman should look and act like.Piercy has a fascinating history and high valued awards, but what was Piercy’s message to her audience when Barbie Doll was published in 1973. Piercy was born on March 31, 1936 in Detroit, Michigan into a family that was greatly affected by the great depression. As a child Piercy lived in a segregated neighborhood. Piercy has a half-brother from her mother’s side who is fourtee n years older than her. She was raised in the Jewish religion by her grandmother and her mother. Till this day Piercy still remains a Jew.Piercy attended a public school in Detroit and half way through grade school she became sick with the German measles and rheumatic fever. When she got ill Piercy was disabled from doing what all of the other kids were doing as a result she built an unconditional love towards the world of literature. Piercy attended the University of Michigan and was the first in her family to attend college. At seventeen, Piercy won a Hopwood award for poetry and fiction. The scholarship money that she had won because of the award enabled her to finish college.She enjoyed the college style of life but found it very difficult to find her comfort zone because of all of the political decisions government had made for woman. Her schooling finished with an M. A from Northwestern University. After her first marriage Piercy lived in Chicago. She proceeded in writing and tried her best to develop poetry and fiction she was not yet able to produce. As a woman society had a horrible out-look on her. Piercy was a twenty three divorce woman living pay check to pay check on multiple part time jobs. She became and activist for the civil rights movement. She wanted woman to be valued not minimized.Piercy’s early work was omitted because of her feminist viewpoints. In 1982 Piercy married Ira Wood. As soon as her marriage was finalized the couple moved to Cape Cod. Wood and Piercy are both a part of the same work field. Wood is an author, teacher, a former publisher, and the host of a weekly radio talk show called â€Å"The Lowdown. † The due wrote a play titled â€Å"The Last White Class† and a novel called â€Å"Storm Tide. † In 1997 they founded a small literary publishing company called Leapfrog Press. Piercy and Wood have a very intimate and loving relationship, till this day the couple is still living in Cape Cod.Piercy neve r considered herself to fit into the image of what a woman was supposed to be like in the 1950’s. Piercy published her first novel called â€Å"Going Down Fast† in 1969. It was very difficult for Piercy to publish her first book because many did not agree with her feminist viewpoints. Piercy is the author of seventeen novels including four of New York Times best sellers and eighteen volumes of poetry. Piercy has played major roles in progressive political battles of our time. She was in activist in the anti-Vietnam war and the woman’s movement, and most recently an active participant in the resistance to the War in Iraq.Her novels â€Å"Woman on the Edge of Time† and â€Å"He, She and It† have great political commitment and imaginative power. With the Baby Boom era in play woman were becoming wives and mothers rapidly. During the Mid fifty’s thou 35 percent of all woman were working and a quarter of them married. Piercy was divorced, unsucce ssful, and had multiple part time jobs at a young age. She worked as a secretary, a switchboard operator, a clerk in a department store, an artist model, and a faculty instructor.Consequently society looked down upon her and fell into the 35 percent of working woman. Piercy’s poem â€Å"Barbie Doll appears in her collection, â€Å"To Be of Us,† published in 1973. Piercy fundamentally states how humanity classifies woman for their stereotypical demeanor. Piercy uses a Barbie Doll to represent what a perfect American woman should appear as. The Poem begins with a normal young â€Å"girlchild† who plays with dolls, miniature kitchen items and pretend make-up. The poem takes an unsuspicious turn when the young girl was criticized by an outsider.He or she claimed she had to â€Å"exercise, diet, smile and wheedle† (page 647 line 14). The poem continues and there is a visual moment of her lying in a casket without her nose and legs â€Å"So she cut off her no se and her legs and offered them up†(page 647 line 17-18). Piercy uses the young child’s image as a representation of a Barbie Doll. The young child shows description that challenges were being faced by women of all ages who do not feel as if they do not fit society standards of being a woman. Despite of how sorrowful she felt the truth is she was healthy, happy, intelligent, and beautiful.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

5 Creative Ideas for Martin Luther King Essay

5 Creative Ideas for Martin Luther King Essay Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most revolutionary influences of the 20th Century. His passion and determination for race equality not only changed history, but paved the way for many other activists seeking rights and representation. During his lifetime, he inspired millions to fight for freedoms they never dreamed possible, and his death remains a testament to his dedication to peace. It’s no wonder that professors love to assign essays about this controversial American hero. While it can seem a daunting task to undertake, writing a powerful essay about Martin Luther King, Jr. is actually much easier than it seems. With the right approach and a little personal investment, your professor will be blown away by the quality and depth of your Martin Luther King essay submission. Maximum Quotability In many high schools and colleges, Martin Luther King Day is celebrated with essay contests that revolve around many of his incredible quotes. To start your essay off right, try looking up some of these well-known (or little-known) snippets to get the mental juices flowing: Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame, but greatness, because greatness is determined by service. †Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.† â€Å"Lifes most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?† â€Å"War is a poor chisel to carve out tomorrow.† â€Å"Faith is taking the first step even when you dont see the whole staircase.† Connect It to Your Life Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about so many important concepts that it is virtually impossible not to be personally affected by at least one. Review some of the main ideas that he fought and died for. Which ideas have your life (or the lives of those you love) been touched by? Tell those stories and then reflect on how Dr. King’s actions have helped you to be where you are today. Some of Dr. King’s ideas to consider are: People should not be judged based on their outward appearance, but by the â€Å"content of their character.† Fear is the ultimate cause for hatred and violence. Not standing up for what is right is just as bad as doing wrong. Nonviolence is a powerful weapon. Quality of life, not length of life, is what is important. The creative and dedicated minority are the ones who change the world. Living History Another great way to get into your essay is by looking at the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. from a historical perspective. Pick out a few events that were pivotal in the life of Dr. King, or turn the last few days of his life into a narrative essay. In fact, you could get creative by writing a short story from the perspective of a close assistant or even the gunman who assassinated Dr. King. Just make sure that you use primary sources and good research skills to build your narrative upon. What If? It’s been almost 50 years since the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In that time, we’ve seen racial integration and equality on an unprecedented scale. And yet, is there more work that needs to be done? In this essay style, you need to take a look around and see the world through Dr. King’s eyes. What would he think of today’s music? Our current president? Current social and political activism efforts? Peruse the headlines and imagine what Dr. King would think about the Ferguson riots or the push for gay marriage rights equality. Then, write your essay from his perspective, using his own quotes to support your theories of how he would respond. Put It Into Action Instead of starting your essay on a piece of paper, why not begin something with your hands? For example, instead of just writing about Dr. King’s ideology, consider putting those ideas into action for a week. Take notes about how serving others made you feel. Explain the difficulties and benefits of reacting peacefully to people who don’t like you. When all the other students in your class are turning in the same rehashed information and opinions, you can be sharing your real-life experiences of putting Dr. King’s famous concepts into action – and completely blow your teacher away. Are you assigned with Martin Luther King essay? Have some interesting ideas? Share anything with us in the comments below

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Enthalpy Change Definition in Science

Enthalpy Change Definition in Science An enthalpy change is approximately equal to the difference between the energy used to break bonds in a chemical reaction and the energy gained by the formation of new chemical bonds in the reaction. It describes the energy change of a system at constant pressure. Enthalpy change is denoted by ΔH. At constant pressure, ΔH equals the internal energy of the system added to the pressure-volume work done by the system on its surroundings. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions For an endothermic reaction, ΔH is a positive value. For an exothermic reaction, ΔH has a negative value. This is because heat (thermal energy) is absorbed by the endothermic reaction, while it is released by the exothermic reaction. Enthalpy Change Versus Entropy Enthalpy change and entropy are related concepts. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. In an exothermic reaction, the entropy of the surroundings increases. As heat is evolved, the energy imparted to the system increases disorder. In an endothermic reaction, the external entropy decreases. As heat is absorbed by a process or reaction, the kinetic energy of molecules in the surroundings decreases, which tends to reduce reduce disorder.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Describe types of feedback and determine the effects of circuit Lab Report

Describe types of feedback and determine the effects of circuit performance when feedback is applied,Describe the circuit conditions and the methods used to achieve sinusoidal oscillation - Lab Report Example The two types of amplifier are the positive and the negative feedback. The two differ in terms of whether the signal is described as being in phase or out of phase with the input signal. The two types of feedback can also be referred to as regenerative or direct feedbacks. Regenerative feedback or negative feedback occurs whenever a signal is said to be 180 degrees out of phase to the input signal (Musrt 89). A widely cited, negative feedback is appropriate since it helps in creating a practical circuit given that it can create rates and gains. It can also be used in making circuits stable, as well as self-creating and it has an output that can characteristically create equilibrium condition. In an op-amp, a negative feedback is used for purposes of creating a corrective mechanism (Musrt 67). Moreover, it limits the amplifier’s input signal hence improving the fidelity of an amplifier. By and large, it increases the frequency response of any given amplifier through preventing the decreasing in the gain of an amplifier. During the application of an amplifier, the feedback signal reduces with the increasing input signal (Musrt 76). On the other hand, in the positive feedback, the voltage or current feedback is often applied for purposes of increasing the input voltage (Musrt 47). When a positive feedback is applied in an inverting signal circuit, a portion of an output signal is fed back to the input. It is worth noting lacking a positive feedback in any circuit causes a slowdown in the detectors of the open loop. Positive feedback can lead to an increase in the amplifier gain. More often than not, feedback is used in electronic circuits for various reasons. First, circuit characteristics can be controlled and made independent of wide variations in most of the active device parameters (Musrt 34). Second, using feedback, it is possible to make circuit characteristics relatively independent of