Monday, December 16, 2019

Drama Monologue †Blame It on the Dreams Free Essays

Ever wish you could control your dreams? You know, you go to sleep and dream about whatever you want? Sometimes I think I could really FIX things if I could just dream them right. I guess that sounds pretty stupid. Like last week I had this huge test in English. We will write a custom essay sample on Drama Monologue – Blame It on the Dreams or any similar topic only for you Order Now I really like English, but there’s so much to remember. I failed. And I know that stuff. That’s what makes me so mad. Who cares, right? It’s just a stupid test. But, here’s the thing. The night before, I dreamt I passed the test. I got an A. I remember sitting at the table, and I knew everything! Every vowel, every sentence, every character. They were all there. Floating around me like birds, or something. I didn’t end up seeing the answers, but I remember getting an A. Okay. Granted, there was a lobster sitting in the seat next to me, but it was a dream, remember. I heard about this thing called lucid dreaming. You’re meant to lie really still for as long as you can until you fall asleep, or something. Well, that sounds way too hard. I mean, I can’t sit still for five minutes, let alone lie still until I fall asleep. Sleep doesn’t just happen. You get into your PJ’s, get into bed, get all snuggly and warm, and then your brain decides to turn itself on and shout, â€Å"WOULDN’T THIS BE COOL IF THIS HAPPENED. I WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THIS HAPPENED, OR EVEN THI–oh, you didn’t want to sleep, did you? † Yes, brain. Yes, I do. But, seriously, wouldn’t it be cool to control your dreams? You could dream about, oh I don’t know†¦ Marrying the richest person in the world and buying an island? That’d be nice. Unrealistic. But, nice. You could lay there for hours and hours just thinking about what you want to dream about? I could try that? Pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, po – oh, bother this. This won’t work. What was I thinking? This is all because of that stupid test. I hate failure. I hate it. If only there was a way to guarantee that you’d know the answers to every test you had to take in your life. I could cheat? No! Gosh, what was I thinking? I can’t cheat. I haven’t got a marker to write the answers on my stomach. *sigh* Stupid idea. I could get a marker? Argh! Wrong again. Where on earth would I get a marker that only I could see? That’s a cool idea. I wish I could dream about that. I just wish I knew how to pass every single test ever. *sigh* Hang on†¦ What if I study? I could study for a few hours every night, the week before the test? Ha! It’s brilliant. I can’t believe I never listened to my parents! They were right! I can’t wait to get started. I’ll start first thing tomorrow. I guess I’ll never be able to control my dreams. Oh well. *turns around and looks at ‘bed’* Is that me? But†¦ I’m me? How can I be laying there? I’m so confused, what’s going on? Wait†¦ Am I dreaming? How to cite Drama Monologue – Blame It on the Dreams, Papers

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