Sunday, December 8, 2019

Global Change and Domestic Policy Scenarios †

Question: Discuss about the Global Change and Domestic Policy Scenarios. Answer: Introduction The research report covers a very complex yet a much talked topic, which is the incrementing greenhouse gas emission in Australia. The administration has already shown their concerns for the issue by setting a goal for 2050, which is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas by 80%. There is a need of sustainable energy resources on an emergency basis (Byrnes et al., 2013). Wind has been identified as the cleanest of all the natural resources (Ellabban, Abu-Rub Blaabjerg, 2014). This particular research report conducts a discussion on the existing technology to convert wind into electricity. Moreover, this also discusses the probable technology that could potentially convert wind to produce electricity in large number. The research report is aimed at discussing a potential issue in relation to the production of renewable energy resources in Australia. Moreover, this is also aimed at delivering an innovative solution to counter the challenges. The research report has identified an issue, which Australia is experiencing in producing a much needed renewable energy from wind. The administration has identified the needs to produce the energy from one of the natural resources such as wind. They have also identified that they need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas by 80% by 2050 to attain a sustainable energy resources (Bryan et al., 2016). Wind is clean and cheaper as well. Hence, this has identified as a potential option to resolve the issue. However, they lack in having a low cost and superior technology, which could reduce the cost of maintenance and could also enhance the conversion of wind into electricity (Azad et al., 2014). The existing wind turbines are heavy in weight, which makes this difficult to transport it to its destination. Additionally, the manufacturing costs of such wind turbines are also very high. There is a need to find an alternate option of the existing technology, which could prove to be cost-ef fective as well as high in performance (Polinder et al., 2013). This is an issue as it is discouraging the required production of energy from wind. The challenges involved in transporting the wind turbines to its destination and the costs involved in its maintenance have both discouraged the Australian administration largely. They have realized the urgency to have a technology that could be comparatively low in costs and easy to maintain. If this happens this will flourish the conversion of wind into energy. Moreover, this will also support the goals for 2050, which is to reduce the greenhouse gas emission in Australia by 80% (Behrens et al., 2012). One of such technologies has been found by the researchers at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales dedicated for Electronic Superconducting Materials. They have developed a new wind turbine, which will be 40% lesser in weight than the existing. They have done this by just replacing the existing gear box from magnesium diboride superconducting coil (Katsigiannis Stavrakakis, 2014). This appears as a potential response for the identified issue in the above section. However, there is a need to have a sufficient investment in purchasing the newly invented wind turbines to support the set goals for 2050. Analyzing the proposed solution by applying McLuhans Laws of Media The proposed solution can be analyzed by the tetrad of media effects derived by McLuhan. The model is composed of four laws, which is framed as questions to reflect upon. This model was developed to understand the effect of a technology on the concerned society. The proposed solution for overcoming the issue identified such as the replacement of hard to carry gear boxes from magnesium diboride superconducting coil needs to be analyzed before implementing this in practice. Nevertheless, the tetrad of media effects postulated by McLuhan is one of such models, which can effectively analyze the effect of the proposed technology on the respective society (Miroshnichenko, 2016). Based on the tetrad of media effects, the proposed solution can be analyzed as follows (Adam, 2016): The proposed technology will enhance the conversion of wind into energy. This is so because it is easy to carry and superior in technology. The solution will displace the existing technology, which is in the form of gear box. The proposed solution is in the form of coil, which is 40% lesser in weight. This makes it easy to transport as well. The technology recovers the usefulness of wind, which was lost in past due to some technological shortfalls. The proposed solution has again supported a fact that wind is cheaper than other resources of renewable energy. The technology can produce wind in large numbers if it is implemented utterly through making significant investments. The identified solution has potentials in it to reinvent the importance of wind in generating energy. Wind is a much cleaner and cheaper option to produce energy from it. If it is supported with utmost investments, the solution thus invented by the researchers of Wollongong University in New South Wales will certainly do wonder for the country. The technology can immensely help the country in attaining its set goals for 2050. Moreover, the proposed solution will play a significant role in providing a sustainable resource to energy. Conclusion Australia has identified that there is a need to have a technology, which could be both cost effective and reliable as well. Moreover, there is a need of technology that could be easily maintained as well as transported to the different locations where it is required to be installed. The research report has probably provided the solution against the identified issue. The solution was brought in picture by a team of researchers from Wollongong University in New South Wales. They have introduced a much handful alternative of the existing gear boxes. They have developed amagnesium diboridesuperconducting coil to replace the gear box. The technology looks like a potential option as it was analyzed by applying the McLuhans Laws of Media. This was also identified in the assignment that the technology can effectively reinvent a fact that wind is a much cheaper and a cleaner option to produce a large amount of energy. References Adam, I. (2016). What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhans Tetrad to the Smartphone.Glocality,2(1). [org/10.5334/glo.9] Azad, A. K., Khan, M. M. K., Ahasan, T., Ahmed, S. F. (2014). Energy scenario: production, consumption and prospect of renewable energy in Australia.Journal of Power and Energy Engineering,2(04), 19. [org/10.1016/j.rser.2012.06.025] Behrens, S., Hayward, J., Hemer, M., Osman, P. (2012). 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