Monday, May 11, 2020

Evaluating a Health Promotion Website - 872 Words

In order to provide the best possible care for the patients in their care nurses should determine the most effective and accurate handover. Therefore, Analizing the level of data retained or lost from employing different handover methods is crucial. Here the above paper with be critiqued using the step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research (Coughlan, Cronin and Ryan, 2007). In defining quantitative research the term can be dichotomized. Firstly, research refers to creative, systematic work with the intention to increase the knowledge of man and thereby devise new applications (OECD, 2002). In addition Gray (1997) stated that research should improve performance and that the results should be†¦show more content†¦However, they do have familiarity with the process and terminology, Examining the papers abstract showed that it contains an unambiguous overview, with a simple, clear focused purpose stated rationalizing why the research was undertaken. The explanation within the abstract of the methods applied was limited, with no models or clear statement of methodology, other than to state that is was simulated and observed. While, the sample size, frequency and types were all asseverated, the selection was not stated other than to say that the handovers were between nurses and their simulated patients. The findings are clearly cited with percentages and the conclusions and recommendations expressed indubitably. Generally, the abstract is succinct and the suitability of the research easy to ascertain. The main body of the paper explains in greater depth the purpose of the research. To provide empirical evidence establishing the retention rate of data transferred using different types of handover and thereby informing any recommendation. Indeed, Pothier asserts that database searches provided no previous evidence establishing this. In addition, Pothier reiterates the importance of accurate handovers in patient care and safety. Indeed, the Health Safety Executive (1996) cites reviews of nursing handovers to help formulate improved offshore industrial handovers, due to its many parallels to nursing.Show MoreRelatedEvaluating a Health Promotion Website Essay2584 Words   |  11 PagesEssay 2: Evaluating a health promotion website Word count: 2,027 Introduction Health Information Technology (HIT) has been introduced into the National Health Service (NHS) in order to improve the quality, efficiency, safety and cost effectiveness of the delivery of health care. 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