Friday, May 1, 2020

Most Important Character in the Iliad Besides Hector and Achilles free essay sample

Ajax, being one of the most strongest, bravest, and courageous warriors of the Greeks, second only to Achilles, should definitely receive more credit than what is handed out to him. Ajax was known as one of the most important figures in the Achean army, but with deeper insight, can also be viewed as one of the most important figures in the entire book itself. Ajax The Great, â€Å"The Bulwark of the Achean Army†, never flunked from battle even in the face of adversity. This proves true in Book 15, when the Trojans pressed hard up against Achean ships, the Acheans were in chaos, yet The Great Ajax stood firm fighting, holding off the entire Trojan army almost single-handedly. A taste of Ajax’s courage and bravery wets the readers mouths, as we get to admire Ajax in his glory. In the face of adversity, which was the entire Trojan army, Ajax did not even flinch. We will write a custom essay sample on Most Important Character in the Iliad Besides Hector and Achilles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When all his comrades preceded to scramble, he stood strong amid the chaos, beating back the enemy away from the ships. By himself he manages to save the Achean army from their ultimate defeat, allowing them to keep their war effort alive. Similarly, in Book 16 after the death of Patroclus, at the hands of Hector, Ajax is one of the only Acheans to stand up to defend Patroclus’ body. Even though his allies around him started to retreat back to the ships, he defended the body. Hordes of Trojans rained down on him, yet in the mist of battle he was victorious. Thanks to Ajax, the body of Patroclus was in the hands of the Acheans and was able to be given a proper burial later in the book. All of Achilles good graces went out to Ajax, being that he was the only reason why Achilles got to mourn his best friend death. Ajax in his triumph and glory also comes to face Hector, the breaker of horses, the ravager of men, over the course of the book. Hector, the strongest man in all of Troy, would put fear in the heart and mind of any soldier that rose against him, let alone if they did. However, Ajax stood alone to oppose Hector whether it be on the battle field, or in a duel. Hector, a worthy opponent even for the almighty and powerful Achilles, was only stopped from ravaging and destroying the entire Achean army due to Ajax himself. The Achean army, who lacked Achilles, their greatest warrior in their times of need, was almost defenseless against the wrath of Hector. Ajax comes to fill this role of need for the Acheans, stunting Hectors progress and ability to win out for Troy. For instance, in Book 7 when Hector challenges to put the whole outcome of the war on the trial of one battle, Ajax The Great, answers the challenge and beckoning and goes face to face with Hector, almost killing him in the end. Again, in Book 14, when Hector is rising and gathering in strength, cutting down Acheans pushing them down to ships, Ajax impedes his progress once again, injuring him and knocking him out with rock. Finally, in the battle at the ships in Book 15, referred to in the paragraphs before, he also prevents Hector from setting fire to all the ships who was aimed at destroying them completely. Although easily overlooked, Ajax’s acts of bravery and courage in fighting Hector depicted in each one these examples, spared the Greeks the trip home in shame and defeat. With a deeper insight, the reader gets to step back and reconsider who they think of when a questioned is asked pertaining to the most important character in a book. A lot of times the reader over looks the tiny actions of one character in favor for the larger more visibly made, actions of another character, seeing them as the more prominent characters in the book. Readers fail to see that a lot of these smaller acts play huge roles in books, allowing them to develop and for bigger text plot to settle in its place. Ajax The Great in â€Å"The Iliad† based on his role in the book deserves higher recognition than what is thrown his way. He constantly comes to the Achean defense, never backing down from battle, and even goes as far as to stand up to Hector, a match even for Achilles. He was extremely important to the Acheans, filling the void in Achilles’ absence and can also quite arguably be considered the most important character in â€Å"The Iliad†.

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