Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Need of Training In Information System Project Management - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Need of Training In Information System Project Management. Answer: Background An information system project is generally undertaken in order to meet the information processing need of a company or an organization. The activities associated with aninformation system project management is generally group-oriented activities, organized and implemented in teams and therefore, lack of knowledge or training in information systemproject management can be a crucial issue. An information system can be defined as set elements who are working together for providing information that are useful to the company. It can be also described as a relationship between the employees of the organization, the operational processes, data and technology[1]. This research proposal aims at evaluating the need of training in information system project management. If proper research and training are not imparted for such projects, a system failure may occur and the level of discontentment with the system increases. Furthermore, a failure in information systemproject management can result i n considerable financial and commercial loss. The research proposal has evaluated the need for training in implementation of information system project management [2]. It discusses the need for undergoing a secondary research for understanding the effects of lack of training in information system project management. Aims and Objectives of the Research Plan: Aims of the Study The aim of the research is to analyze the need of imparting knowledge in information system project management. Training can be defined as a planned activity for modifying the knowledge, skills and attitudes of people through learning experiences. The research proposal aims at evaluating the training issues in information system project management. Imparting proper training is important for maintaining the proper operation of the information system and therefore, it becomes increasingly important to identify and evaluate the different issues in training associated with the information system project management [3]. Objectives of the Study The objectives of this research are as follows: To understand the importance of training in implementation of information system project management To evaluate the training issues that are faced in implementation of information system project management. Research Questions The following are the research questions of this proposal: What are the training issues that are faced in implementation of information system project management? Why is training important in implementation of information technology project management? Research methods Research methods defined the type of techniques that is generally used for conducting a research. It helps in conducting the research in a systematic and organized way. A proper research methodology allows in identifying and understanding the various techniques that are used in a research, thuds helping in conducting a research in a structured way. Method Outline The research methodology used in this approach is primary as well as secondary data analysis. Information gathered from primary data analysis is most useful as it comes directly from the researcher. The secondary data analysis is associated with the use of the existing data for the research purpose. Data Collection Process The data collected for the research is primary data and the secondary data. For primary data collection, the researcher will collect the primary data by interviewing the personnel associated with the project. An online survey can also be conducted to the different project management team members. For the secondary data analysis, different peer-reviewed articles, annual report of the different companies and research papers are thoroughly studies to get an overview of the issues and need of training in implementation of information system project management. Work Schedule The work schedule for this research work is elaborated below[4]- WBS Task Name Duration Start Finish 0 Training issues 75 days Mon 26-02-18 Fri 08-06-18 1 Topic selection for the study 1 day Mon 26-02-18 Mon 26-02-18 2 Preparing the layout for proposal 2 days Tue 27-02-18 Wed 28-02-18 3 Design the research proposal 2 days Thu 01-03-18 Fri 02-03-18 4 Literature Review 25 days Mon 05-03-18 Fri 06-04-18 5 Developing the proper methodology for research 8 days Mon 09-04-18 Wed 18-04-18 6 Collection of the primary Data 7 days Thu 19-04-18 Fri 27-04-18 7 Analysis of the Data 3 days Mon 30-04-18 Wed 02-05-18 8 Collection of findings from the analysis 4 days Thu 03-05-18 Tue 08-05-18 9 Drawing conclusions from the study 3 days Wed 09-05-18 Fri 11-05-18 10 Preparation of rough draft for the study 3 days Mon 14-05-18 Wed 16-05-18 11 Review and final submission of the work 2 days Thu 17-05-18 Fri 18-05-18 12 Secondary data collection 5 days Mon 21-05-18 Fri 25-05-18 13 analysis of the data collected from different articles, research papers and annual reports of different companies 4 days Mon 28-05-18 Thu 31-05-18 14 Drawing conclusions from the study 3 days Fri 01-06-18 Tue 05-06-18 15 draft preparation 2 days Wed 06-06-18 Thu 07-06-18 16 reviewing the draft and final submission 1 day Fri 08-06-18 Fri 08-06-18 Table 1: Representing the work schedule of the research (Source: Created by author using MS project) The work breakdown structure of the research is illustrated below- Anticipated Outcomes This research is conducted in order to identify the need of training in implementation of information system project management. The primary data collection process is expected to evaluate the views of the project management team members, to understand the importance of training in implementation of information system project management [5]. The secondary research is expected to put a light on the different problems faced in the implementation of information system project management [6]. The research papers and the peer-reviewed articles are expected to provide a clear knowledge about the similar cases where training issues has been faced in the successful implementation of information system project. Significance The problem evaluated in this research is an important issue to consider in implementation of the information system project management. Training the users of an information system is essential for reducing all sorts of human errors possible while accessing the system[7]. The secondary research evaluates certain examples where the lack of training has created a havoc in implementation and use of information system in different organization. Furthermore, evaluating the issues in training is important to understand the need of training and its advantages in a particular organization in reducing the number of errors and risk associated with the implementation of information system in project management. Training further helps in acquiring new skills and increase in the contribution of the team members in successful project implementation. Along with this, a proper training increases the efficiencies of the operational process in the organization that results in financial gain [8]. References Burke, Rory. "Project management: planning and control techniques."New Jersey, USA(2013). Egginton, Bill. 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"Project success analysis framework: A knowledge-based approach in project management."International Journal of Project Management33, no. 4 (2015): 772-783.

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